cycle 1 week 18 tutor activities out on the table

Cycle 1 Week 18 Tutor Plans for Classical Homeschooling

Searching for creative and fun tutor ideas for Cycle 1, Week 18 in classical homeschooling? Read along for fun ways to introduce the memory work. If you’re a couple weeks behind me, see my tutor ideas for Cycle 1, Week 13, Week 14, Week 15, Week 16, or Week 17. You can also find my tutor plans from each of the twelve weeks of first semester here.

Please note, I am not affiliated with any Classical education organization; these are simply my own ideas and suggestions based on my experience as a tutor. I hope they inspire and support you as you plan for Cycle 1, Week 18.

cycle 1 week 18 tutor plans pinterest pin

This post contains affiliate links, which means I make a small commission at no extra cost to you. See my full disclosure here.

We love being part of our Classical homeschooling community. Read more about how God redirected our path from private education to homeschooling and Classical education here.

Are you new to the Classical model and want to know more about it? Keep reading below about how it’s organized, the different cycles, our community time, and MORE!

If you already know about the Classical homeschooling model and you are ready to jump to the actual tutor ideas, click here.

A Classical model of homeschooling

We are part of a Christ-centered homeschool program that follows the Classical model. The younger children, ages 4-12, focus on a memorization-based curriculum which acts as the groundwork of learning that is built upon in later years.

Children and their parents learn key facts across the core subject areas including history, science, English, mathematics, geography, and Latin. Tutors use fun activities, games, songs, and lots of energy to introduce the new material. The parents can then expand on that material at home throughout the week.

Cycle rotation

The material is divided into three cycles, which each last one year. The cycles continue to rotate every three years, so most children who start when they are kindergarten age, complete each cycle at least twice. This allows them to develop a deeper comprehension and grasp of the material through repetition.

Cycle 1 material

This year, in Cycle 1, we are learning about ancient world history, biology, earth science, Latin noun endings, and English prepositions and verbs.

The following ideas are what I’m planning to do with the group of kids I am tutoring this year (ages 4-6). You may use these ideas if you are also tutoring in a Classical homeschooling community, or if you’re a parent who is looking for memory work ideas to use at home.

Also, you don’t have to be part of any particular Classical homeschooling group to use these ideas! These are ideas to help children learn key concepts in the core subject areas. If you are a homeschooling parent, or just a parent who wants to supplement what your kids are currently learning in school, these ideas will be helpful for you.

Community group time

Our homeschooling community has been meeting on Tuesdays. Our leader starts off the morning with everyone together in a big group setting. She typically begins that time with a devotional reading and prayer, and then continues with some announcements, celebrating birthdays, the pledge of allegiance, and anything else she wants to cover with everyone.

After this time, we split off into our different groups based on age. The tutors lead their groups into different classrooms and begin the New Grammar part of the day. This is when the tutor introduces the memory work for each core subject. Check out my post and video about how to make your own tutor board!

Cycle 1 Week 18 Tutor and Memory Work Ideas

New Grammar


I like to start with English each week. I have purchased a lined notebook for each child in my class to use and I lay these out on the table before our class time begins. When the kids walk into the room, they find their notebook which shows them where to sit.

preschool lined paper notebook opened to cycle 1 week 18 with the next three helping verbs.

I love using these notebooks because I think it’s great for the kids to get some writing practice. During the summer, I decorate the front of each notebook with each child’s name and a fun biology design related to Cycle 1 (see below for picture). You can download a template of this biology themed notebook cover here and customize for your kids.

In these notebooks, I write each week’s English memory work on a blank page as large and neatly as I can. I use a light colored marker, so that the kids can trace my writing and easily see their own writing with their pencil.

I lay the notebooks out on the table before our class time begins. After English, I collect them and bring them back the following week. At the end of the school year, they will have all 24 weeks filled out and they can take their notebooks home with them.

week 18 helping verbs written in notebook zoomed in
english notebook cover decorated with students name and biology design

Cycle 1 Week 18 English

In Cycle 1 Week 18, we learn the next three helping verbs: should, could, would. I prep the notebooks with one of the helping verbs already written, one dotted helping verb that the children can trace, and a horizontal line where I will have the children write the last helping verb. See picture above. Depending on the ages of the kids in your class, you could adjust this to meet their level:

  • Write two of the helping verbs and have the children write the last one.
  • Write two of the helping verbs normally and then write the last one very lightly or with dots so the children can trace.
  • Have the children write all three helping verbs on their own.
  • Write out all the helping verbs, but leave spaces in place of the first letter of each word, and let the children fill in those letters.
  • Write the first letter of each helping verb and let the children write the rest of each word.

As the children are writing, I sing the same song we sang last week beginning with the definition of a helping verb, and I continue singing with the addition this week’s helping verbs. This song is to the tune of This Old Man. See my video below. We will sing this song each week through week 19.

Cycle 1 Weeks 14-19 English song

I love making little jingles to the memory work we are learning. Children memorize much quicker if it is to a song, and it’s more fun too! It’s also a great way to review the material throughout the week at home. It is so easy to play the week’s songs while you’re at home or in the car.

I hand out a sticker for each child to stick to the front of their notebook. It’s fun to find stickers that relate to some of the material we are learning about that week.

I also teach the children some simple hand motions for each of these helping verbs:

  • should: tap the head gently with a thoughtful expression (symbolizing thinking about the right thing to do)
  • could: cup your hands in front of you, palms up (symbolizing holding an option or possibility)
  • would: place one hand on your heart (symbolizing personal intention or willingness)

I have the children practice singing the song with me while doing the hand motions from the last three weeks and these new hand motions a few times. See the English sections from week 15, week 16, and week 17 for the hand motions for the previous helping verbs.

Then, I lead a game where the children pick a hand motion of any helping verb they have learned and show the class without saying anything. The other children try to guess which helping verb the hand motion is for. I give each child a chance to show a hand motion.

Prepositions Review

I also have the kids sing and do the hand motions to the entire preposition song that we worked on last semester. I plan to have them review this once each week for the remainder of the year. See my video of a slowed down version of the entire Preposition song (weeks 2-12) and the hand motions below:

Slowed down version of the entire Preposition song and hand motions

Also, check out this handout for stick figure drawings of each of the hand motions for the ENTIRE Preposition song if you want a refresher.


I like to follow English with Timeline. Each week, I use these Timeline Cards: Set 1 (Ancient World), Set 2 (Medieval World), Set 3 (New World), and Set 4 (Modern World) I highly recommend investing in them (you should get all four sets) whether you are a tutor or a parent. I consistently use them as a tutor and also at home with my kids.

4 sets of classical conversations timeline cards set out on table.

Since I have the younger children, I like to tape the paper letter that the timeline event starts with at the top of the card. I have found these letters at my local Dollar Tree. Some of the children in my class can’t read yet, so this helps them identify the event I’m referring to.

timeline cards for week 18 with large letters on them laying on the table

Cycle 1 Week 18 Timeline

Before our class time begins, I put seven pieces of painters tape on the wall and I hide the cards around the room. When it’s time to start Timeline, I tell the children to look around the room and see if they can find 1 or 2 cards (depending on how many children are in my group), and to bring them back to their seats.

I sing this week’s part of the timeline song as the children are looking for the cards. I sing it myself instead of playing the music so I can control the speed of the song. See my tutor video for the tune of this week’s timeline song.

When the cards have all been found and all the children are back in their seats, I go through each timeline event in the correct order and see which child has each card.

For example, I say, “The first card is Cherokee Trail of Tears. What letter does “Cherokee” start with?”

A child answers, “It starts with the letter “C.”

I say, “Correct! Who has a card with a letter C on it?”

I instruct whoever has this card to walk up to where I have put the painters tape on the wall, and to stick the card to the first spot on the wall. We repeat this for each timeline event until all the cards are on the wall in the correct order.

painters tape on wall ready for timeline cards to be hung.
timeline cards on the wall with 2 turned over

After all the timeline cards are on the wall, I go over the motions for each card with the children. I have the children stand up, but stay by their seats so they can see each of the cards as we do the motion. I tell them to pay close attention to the cards and try to remember what they are.

Then I tell the children to close their eyes and I turn one of the timeline cards over and tape it back to the wall so the front isn’t showing. I have the children open their eyes and see if they can remember which timeline card I turned around. After someone guesses correctly, I tell the children to close their eyes again and I turn over another card. I ask the children who can tell me BOTH cards that are turned over now. I keep doing this and letting the children guess until all the cards are turned over. Then I ask if any of the children think they can sing or say all of the timeline events without seeing them!

After this I have the children come stand against the wall in front of the timeline cards and we sing this week’s part of the timeline song together while doing the hand motions. I put these spot markers against the wall in front of each timeline card so it’s clear where each child should stand. See my video below which includes the hand motions for this week in the timeline section:


Now for geography! The children are now sitting at the table which follows the timeline part well where the kids were standing. I like to try to alternate active parts with sitting to mix things up and keep the kids engaged.

During the week before our community day, I prepare these Mesoamerica maps. I use these this week and next week instead of the trivium table maps that I usually use because they show the Mesoamerican regions much better. You can print these maps and put them in a dry erase pocket sleeve or you can laminate them. This is the printer and laminator I have and use all the time. I outline the regions we are discussing this week in dry erase marker, each in a different color.

Cycle 1 Week 18 Geography: Mesoamerica Regions

This week we learn about the Mesoamerica regions. Each child gets a prepared Mesoamerica map in a dry erase pocket sleeve with each of the regions outlined in a different color. I give each child a dry erase marker and have them write a symbol inside each region on their map.

  • Gulf of Mexico: draw some more waves
  • Yucatan Peninsula: trace my arrow pointing to the peninsula
  • Olmec Civilization: draw an O either inside the region or just outside of it
  • Maya Civilization: draw a pyramid with different levels
  • Aztec Civilization: draw a pyramid in the shape of a triangle
Map with Mesoamerican regions outlined in different colors
Mesoamerican regions on map zoomed in

I teach the children a song to the tune of Farmer in the Dell to help them learn these locations. See my video below:

Cycle 1 Week 18 Geography song

As we sing the song together several times, I have children point to each region as we sing it. Then I ask the kids, “let’s find the region with the triangle. Who remembers the name of that region? Now let’s find the region with the O’s. Who remembers what that region is called? After we do this for each region, I have the kids find each region again and we erase the symbol. For example, I’ll say, “let’s find the region with the leveled pyramid. What is that region called? Now let’s erase the leveled pyramid from the Maya civilization.

After all the symbols are erased, I repeat this and have the kids erase the region outlines as we go over each region again. We sing the song together a few more times and I challenge the kids to find the regions with no outline this time (since we erased everything)!

Depending on time, I give each child a few different colored dry erase markers and let them color in these regions and some of the other places we have learned about so far this year. Or if you need to move on to the next subject because of time, you definitely don’t have to do this.

I have also found that it works best to review geography WHILE we are doing geography. The kids have their maps in front of them and it’s really easy to talk about places we have learned about previous weeks.

Countries of Africa Notebook!

I’m so excited to share with you all about this Countries of Africa Notebook that I made. There is a page for each of the 54 countries of Africa plus Western Sahara. Each day, the kids get to discover one or more countries as they learn about their location, capital, iconic animal, popular dish, flag, and a fun fact.

My African Countries book showing first couple of pages

The kids can color the maps, animals, and flags for each country as they explore! At the end of the notebook, there is a complete reference of all the African flags. I have also included two labeled maps of Africa with all the countries marked (one in color and one in black and white). Plus, there are blank maps for your children to fill in as they learn about each country. A great book to read alongside this workbook is, J is for Jollof: An African Alphabet by Dr Gloria Fátúsìn. This book has great visuals and more information about some of the popular dishes in Africa.

Learning the Countries of Africa

I also want to share some of what I’m doing at home with my children this semester to help them learn the geography. We are LOVING learning the countries of Africa and I made this fun Africa map that we have on our wall by our kitchen table with all the countries made out of felt.

African countries made out of felt sorted into piles by color
African map with felt countries hung up on wall

My girls love taking the countries off and on as we learn their names and locations. Download a paper map of Africa with all the countries labeled here.

girl putting African countries up on large felt map on wall

I have the patterns for all the African countries, as well as a tutorial about how to make this kind of map in my Etsy shop.

My daughter is also enjoying putting together this Africa puzzle. She absolutely loves puzzles and it’s a great way that I can spend some time with her while the younger kids nap. I especially love these Geo Puzzles because the pieces are the actual shapes of the countries. They have puzzles for the other parts of the world as well! We have also enjoyed putting together South America this year.

girl putting together Africa puzzle on the floor
Africa puzzle put together with box next to it

We also made up a fun song to help us learn all of these African countries!

Cycle 1 Week 18 Math: Area of a Triangle

This week in math we are learning about the area of a triangle. Before our group time begins, I make a couple of large triangles on the floor with painters tape.

When it’s time for math, I first show the children my triangle drawing on my tutor board and explain to them the area formula. Then, I teach them the beginning of our geometry song to help them remember this formula. See my video below:

Cycle 1 Weeks 16-20 Math song

We will continue to sing this song for the next two weeks, adding a formula to it each week.

I divide the children into two groups and have them stand around the two triangles made with painters tape on the floor. I have them do the following as we sing our geometry song together:

  • Walk along the edge of the triangle
  • Tip toe along the edge of the triangle (they must stay on the tape!!!)
  • Hop on one foot along the edge of the triangle
  • Hop on the other foot along the edge of the triangle
  • Jump from the inside of the triangle to the outside


We learn about the Mound Builders this week. I say the history sentence once NORMALLY to the kids and tell them to listen very carefully. Then I say the history sentence again but with some “silly words” added in. I tell the kids that if they hear a silly word, to raise their hand and try to tell me what the correct word should be. Here is the correct version of the history sentence:

Circa 1000 BC to AD 1450, three North American mound-building civilizations were the Adena, the Hopewell, and the Mississippians. 

Here is the history sentence with silly words:

Circa 1000 BC to Abby 1450, three froth American sound-building stations were the arena, the telltale, and the Egyptians. 

Each time I say a silly word and the kids catch it, I ask them to correct it. Then I say the history sentence from the beginning, correctly, until I get to the next silly word. This way the kids are hearing the history sentence correctly several times. I repeat this until I have said all the silly words and the whole history sentence correctly.

holding miniature guitar
miniature guitar on table

Then I hand out these cute miniature guitars to each of the children and encourage them to strum their guitars as we sing the history song a few more times. They are loving these guitars and this song has guitar in it, so I thought I would bring them in again this week!


In Latin this week we are continuing to learn the 2nd Declension Noun Endings. See my tutor video for the tune we sing these to. I show the children the noun endings that I have written on my tutor board and sing the song as I point to each one. Then, I have all the children sit in a circle and I give each child a silly voice card. I also have a feather that I throw up into the air. We switch off singing the song in different voices and see if we can finish singing the singular or plural before the feather hits the ground. You can download these silly voice cards for FREE below.

Free Silly Voice and Movement Cards

You can also make these silly voice sticks. These are large popsicle sticks that I painted and wrote some silly voices on.

silly voice popsicle sticks

Here are the silly voices I wrote on these sticks:

  • Loud to soft
  • Slow like a sloth
  • Close eyes
  • Squeaky voice
  • Super smiley
  • Excited
  • Whisper
  • Crying
  • Fish/pucker face
  • Pouty
  • Scared
  • No teeth
  • Quiet to loud
  • Mad
  • Hold your nose
  • Tongue out
  • Mouth closed


This week in science we learn about some parts of the ocean floor. I teach the children the song to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus to help them remember these.

Cycle 1 Week 18 Science song

I use painters tape to make four long lines spaced about a foot apart on the floor. I use the hallway of the church where we gather for our community time for this and I make these tape lines before our class time begins. The lines need to be long enough for all the children in your group to have room to stand on them in a horizontal line. See picture below.

children getting ready to jump to each part of the ocean floor image

When it’s time for science, I have the children stand in a horizontal line and hold hands while I stand in the middle. I tell the children that we are going to start just below the ocean water on the continental shelf. We are going to jump together  deeper into the ocean and at the end we will fall into a trench! Encourage the children that we all have to jump together and only when we sing the next word in the song. You will need to sing the song slowly so that all the children have enough time to jump. When they reach the last line or the trench, encourage the children to fall to the floor like they are falling into a trench.

Have the children repeat jumping on all four lines as we sing the song several times. You can mix it up by having them jump on one foot, on their tip toes, backwards, etc.

I also love using these science cards to help me learn about our topic and explain it in a quick and simple way to the children. Then, of course, the parents can expand on it more at home.

For review time this week, we play a “cake walk” style game where I put these spot markers in a big circle so that each child has one spot marker to stand on. I want the number of spot markers to match the number of children. Once each child is standing on a spot marker, I play one of the songs we have learned in the past few weeks. I tell the children to walk around the circle of spot markers (only touching the spot markers and not the carpet) until the song ends. When the song ends, I roll my dry erase die that has the different colors written on each side. The children that are standing on the color rolled are the ones that get to answer the review question.

Then, I play a different song from the past few weeks and have the children continue to walk around the spot markers. We keep repeating until our review time is up.

I prefer to ask review questions on the fly instead of preparing them ahead of time. Here are some example questions I ask (remember I have the youngest children in my group):

  1. Do you remember what 8 fluid ounces is equal to?
  2. What is one part of the geosphere that you remember?
  3. The Kush mined gold along what river?
  4. What is a location in the Middle East that we learned about?
  5. Do you remember the name of one of the places in Ancient Africa?
  6. Do you remember any of the compound prepositions?
  7. What is one of the helping verbs we have learned so far?
  8. When we sing the noun cases song, what word comes after “nominative…”?

LoveBug Review Game

You could also play this fun Valentine’s Day review game that I made called Lovebug! This game is similar to the Stinky Feet review game we played during week 13.

Love bug review game

Before community group, I cut out and laminate this love bug sign and heart cards. You can download these for free! You can also just draw a heart on a white board and use sticky notes as the cards if you don’t want to print anything out.

The heart cards have either a positive number on the back or a negative number with a bug. The numbers are from -2o to +20 in increments of 5.

I split my class into teams. I ask the first child a review question from any subject and after they answer they get to pick a heart card off of the board. If they don’t know the correct answer, I let the rest of their team help. They turn the card over and see it’s a “love bug” card or not. A “love bug” card is a negative number with a bug on it.

Whatever point value is on the back of the card gets added or subtracted from the team’s score.

The game ends when all the heart cards are gone! Whichever team ends up with the most points wins! Or you could switch it up and have the team with the least points win.

Printable and Editable Cycle 1 Week 18 Tutor Plans

Here is a printable EDITABLE template of these Cycle 1 Week 18 Tutor Plans. Here is a blank template too!

cycle 1 week 18 tutor plans template

Cycle 1 Week 18 Memory Work Activities

Also check out the FREE activities and games that you can use at home to help your kids practice the memory work this week.

Blessings to you on this homeschooling journey!

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